Attitude of Gratitude

What a great 25 mile ride! I didn’t stop for much. No commute, just a nearly perfect 25 mile jaunt around. About 3 miles into my loop this tree stopped me. A tree right had fallen across the path. I went around. Thanksgiving Day, weather permitting I like to go for a pre-feasting ride because it’s often quiet and there’s sights and smells and sounds to take in. I never plan it, I go and see where the mood takes me.

I am thankful for the time to reflect on life. In my mind, I roll in and out of memories of this holiday in the past and how happy it makes me to recall my grandparents, parents and cousins. It’s not what is was. Every year seems more and more removed from those ol’ days and that’s okay. I’m still thankful for the memories and they make me who I am. I’m thankful for another day. Another mile.

The fact of the matter is that there are always trees and brush and obstacles in our path. We have to be thankful for the obstacles too because they help us think and problem solve and consider options. You can’t have one without the other.

Thanks for being out there. Thanks for reading and riding and living life.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Bike Goddess

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